A visit to Sempaya Hot Springs-Uganda Safaris & Tours News

sempayaThese hot springs are located in the Semliki River Valley which is below the escarpments in Bdibugyo town,un they are also located in two places where one is referred to as the male and the other is the female. These hot springs have greatly attracted many Uganda safaris and this has helped in increasing the revenues of the tourism industry.
Sempaya hot springs is considered to be a mosaic of different micro habits which provide for variety of wildlife, which have attracted many safaris to Uganda. The Semliki River is a favoured watering place for many animals which live in the park.
There is however a number of natural hot springs in this area, which attracts a number of wetland birds, and supply salty minerals to many animals, these hot springs have attracted many safari tours to Uganda, which has helped in raising high revenues to the country.
Semliki is considered to be a dense forest and also part of the great ituri forest which stretches in the Congo. It’s the only park in Uganda which is composed of tropical lowland forest. The land is flat, which helps in creating a starting contrast to the rugged Rwenzori mountains nearby the park. This park has greatly attracted many tourists to come for safaris in Uganda.
The animals which are found in this park include; elephants, buffalo, leopards, civet, scaly tailed flying squirrel and bush baby, the park has also got 8 species of primates, 400 bird species and 300 butterfly species. All these have helped in increasing safari visits to Uganda.
The visitors also engage in established trails, visits to the hot springs and also the arranged hikes to different parts of the park. The sempaya hot springs are considered to be the famous attraction in Semliki national park, the hot springs have got amazing boiling water which ejects conspicuous cloud of steam seen as far as 2kms. This has helped in increasing the number of visitors to the area and also increasing safaris to the hot springs.

Uganda Safaris/ Uganda Safari News

Prime Uganda Safaris & Tours updates 2013


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