Kasubi Tombs Restoration to promote tourism in Uganda - Prime Uganda Safaris & Tours Safari updates

bgfhKasubi Tombs one of the great cultural sites of Buganda kingdom has greatly promoted Uganda safaris especially to those interested in culture. Many tourists have travelled to Uganda specifically to have a look at the tombs in Buganda kingdom.
The kasubi Tombs in Kampala, Uganda, is the site of the burial grounds for four (kings of Buganda), and a UNESCO World Heritage site. A safari to Uganda can expose to these tombs closely located near Kasubi a few kilometres from the royal palace and the Bulange building.
Uganda safaris were greatly affected by the burning of these tombs since many tourists who were interested in culture cancelled out their trips to Uganda after receiving the news that the cultural site they were to visit had gotten burnt. This greatly affected the tourism sector since it lost a lot of money which would have been used to develop the tourism sector in Uganda and Buganda at large.
Due to the increase in the need of safaris to Uganda, the Bulange government has come up with a plan of restoring the Tombs in order to increase on the number of visitors who come for cultural tours to Uganda. The restoration is in progress at the tombs and this will not only promote Buganda tourism but also Uganda at large.
The central government has also come up to cooperate with the Buganda government in order to restore the Tombs because a safari to Kasubi tombs not only develops and benefits Buganda but also Uganda as well. So in other words, this will eventually speed up the process hence helping in developing the tourism industry in Uganda.
The site is so important in that it has helped in promoting the kiganda culture as well as the language. The site has helped in educating people of Uganda about their culture and this has helped to enforce the cultural values especially in the young generations.
Prime Uganda Safaris & Tours updates 2013


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