This unmistakable stripped horse is common among the wide spread throughout east and southern Africa. Zebras are often seen on Uganda safari in large herds but their basic social unit is the small relatively stable family group which typically consists of a stallion up to five mares and their collective off spring. These Uganda safari offers contain horse like body shape though their manes have short, erect hair, coats stripped and tails tufted at the tip. The shinning coats reflect over 70% of incoming heat and it is believed that the stripes assist these animals to with stand strong solar radiation. This helps them to survive in the hot savannah ecosystems that is sometimes challenging to travellers on safari in Uganda . The back and white setting of the coat act as camouflage titled disruptive coloration which breaks up the body outline. Though highly visible during day time, it can help at dawn and in the evening when their predators are most active. Burchell...