Tourism hurt by poaching- Uganda Safaris & Tours updates

poaching The tourism sector in Uganda has been affected by poaching and this has brought about reduction in the number of tourists who came for safaris to Uganda, this is because the number of animals in the national parks has generally decreased in Uganda. This has brought about low development of the tourism sector.
The minister of Tourism, Hon. Maria Mutagamba also commented that poaching the biggest challenge which is facing the tourism sector in Uganda; this has been a big problem since the number of animals has greatly reduced in many national parks which have affected the number of Uganda safaris hence under development of the tourism sector.
The tourism sector not only faces poaching as a big challenge but also it is faced by the encroachment of national parks by the communities , human wildlife conflicts which have come up due to the increasing number of people and the animals. All these have affected the number of tourists who are coming for safaris in Uganda.
The number of tourists who are coming to Uganda has reduced due to the conflicts which are taking place in Congo which is a neighboring country to Uganda, this has brought about insecurity in the country which has affected safari tours to Uganda, this has greatly reduced the revenues of the country and also low development of the tourism sector.
The minister however urged the government to put in more efforts in order to increase the number of tourists who come for safaris to Uganda, this can be done through active promotions and also creating awareness for tourism products on the website , TVs, radios, newspapers and also talk shows which can be about tourism.
Prime Uganda Safaris & Tours updates 2013


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